Courses & Registration
- How to Register
Registration at the University of Washington (UW) is completed online. New students can register once they have completed the enrollment requirements. Students should review the Prepare to Register page on how to get started.
You will register by using your UWNetID and password to access your MyUW page or using myPlan. From there, register for classes by using the five-digit schedule line number.
GRADUATE STUDENTS: It is necessary to register for a minimum of 2 credits each quarter to maintain graduate student status (with the exeption of summer - unless graduating). International students and graduate students holding assistantships must be registered for a minimum of 10 credits. (2 credits in Summer).
Final Quarter Registration - Graduate students should remember that they must be registered for at least two credit hours during the quarter in which they wish to graduate (including summer quarter).
It is the student’s responsibility to register during their designated registration period. Late registration or changes to registration will result in additional registration fees.
Some graduate level College of Education courses require entry codes. Specific instructions for obtaining entry codes are available in the course notes section of each course listing in the UW Time Schedule. For courses requiring faculty codes (independent study, internship, thesis, and dissertation credit hours), you may submit an online request.
A small number of programs in the College of Education are self-sustaining or fee-based (see list below). Students in these programs will register for courses online and pay tuition through UW Professional and Continuing Education. Consult your program adviser or administrative staff for lists of courses and specific registration and payment instructions.
- Applied Behvaior Analysis (online option)
- Danforth
- Early Care & Education Online Degree Program
- Intercollegiate Athletics Leadership
- IslandWood
- Leadership for Learning
- School Psychology Educational Specialist
- U-ACT: UW Accelerated Certification for Teachers
- Registration Calendar
View the registration calendars for upcoming quarters »
Description of Registration Periods I, II, & III »
It is the student’s responsibility to register during his/her designated registration period.
Late registration or changes to registration will result in additional registration fees.
- Undergraduate Courses and Registration
Registration processes for undergraduate courses vary based on a student’s enrollment in a major or minor. All students should review course registration restrictions listed in the course’s notes section. These important notes can be found in myPlan and the UW Time Schedule. Registration procedures for graduate level courses can be found here.
Enrollment in College of Education courses for non-Education Majors
The College of Education encourages pre-majors and students enrolled in majors outside of the College of Education to enroll in our courses. Registration restrictions vary by course; refer to myPlan or the Time Schedule to learn if you’re able to register.
How to get into a course?
- You must use NotifyUW to receive notification when a seat opens.
- Consider taking the course in an alternate quarter. Please see the Courses database to see upcoming course offerings.
- Instructors do not maintain waitlists or provide add codes.
- Courses cannot be overloaded.
Education, Learning, & Society (ELS) Minors
The College of Education often gives declared ELS students similar registration priority afforded to ECO, ECFS, and Education Studies Majors. Courses required for the completion of the ELS Minor typically have registration restrictions for period one, two, and sometimes all three registration periods.Registration restrictions allow ELS students to have priority access to our courses so they can progress toward graduation as outlined by the minor’s defined course sequencing, field experience, or approved plan-of-study. As an ELS student, you are able to register on your own. Make sure that you add the Tag: Registration for ELS Minors when you are reviewing classes. You can preview those sections here in OnCourse.
Early Childhood & Family Studies (ECFS), Education, Community, & Organizations (ECO), and Education Studies (EDST) Majors
Courses required for the completion of the ECFS, ECO, and Education Studies majors typically have registration restrictions for period one and sometimes all three registration periods. Registration restrictions allow declared majors to have priority access to our courses so they can progress toward graduation as outlined by the major’s defined course sequencing, prerequisites, and adviser approved plan-of-study. It is highly recommended you know the courses you need to take at least two weeks in advance of your registration priority date. Your registration priority date can be found in your myUW account. If you are unsure of which courses to register for in an upcoming quarter, you will need to contact or meet with an adviser in the Office of Student Services during drop-in hours or in a 1:1 appointment.
It is important to be familiar with the prerequisite requirements for your major, as completing courses outside of the sequence designated by the major can result in delayed degree completion. All newly admitted ECFS, ECO and Education Studies students will create a plan-of-study with their adviser that will align with course prerequisite requirements. Please be aware that Incomplete and X grades are not sufficient for meeting prerequisite requirements. Visit the prerequisite webpage to familiarize yourself with this policy.
- Time Schedule
The UW Time Schedule lists credit classes offered at the University of Washington–Seattle. It is updated daily and may change without notice. Students can get the real-time status of any section by clicking on the five-digit Schedule Line Number.
The UW reserves the right to: (a) add or delete courses from its offerings; (b) change times, days, or locations of courses; (c) change academic calendars; and/or (d) cancel any courses for insufficient registration or academic/administrative decision without notice.
- Course Planner
The courses listed in the College of Education Course Planner (called OnCourse) represent a long-term, developing plan and are therefore subject to change. Please see the UW Time Schedule for official College of Education course listings. If you have questions about specific courses in this planner, check with your faculty adviser or the academic support team.
- Independent Study & Internship/Thesis/Dissertation Credits
Requesting an Entry Code
Independent Study, Internship, Thesis, and Dissertation credits require a faculty entry code for registration. To receive an entry code, please fill out this form. Once you click the submit button, an email will be sent to your supervising faculty adviser. You can expect an email with your add code within the next one to two weeks. Thesis credits are EDUC 700. Dissertation credits are EDUC 800. With the exception of summer quarter, students are limited to a maximum of 10 credits per quarter of dissertation (800).
If you do not receive an add code, please do NOT fill out this form again. Contact your supervising faculty adviser through the online directory»
If you have any questions, please contact
Independent Study & Practicum Form »
- Independent Study: Undergraduate (Course number: 499) and graduate students (Course number: 599) may take an independent study course that encompasses individual research, readings, and/or an exam with a faculty member. Certain programs in the College of Education have specific requirements or forms that you must complete before pursuing independent study. Consult your faculty adviser to discuss the suitability of independent study for your situation.
- Master’s project or Master’s exam (Course number: 600): Register for this course if you are in a Master’s program that includes culminating experiences that are projects or exams instead of completing a thesis. Learn more about the thesis versus non-thesis options here.
- Internship Credits (Course number 601): Students should use this course number to register for credits if they are in programs with a required internship experience as part of the curriculum. This course number should also be used by international students with F-1 visas who are completing their Curricular Practical Training (CPT) requirements.
- Thesis Credits (EDUC 700): Master's degree students who write a thesis will need to complete at least nine thesis (700-level) credit hours. Learn more about the thesis vs non-thesis options here.
- Dissertation Credits (EDUC 800): Doctoral students who have completed general exams and started dissertation-related work will need to complete a minimum of 27 dissertation credits over a minimum of three quarters. With the exception of summer quarter, students are limited to a maximum of 10 credits per quarter of dissertation (800).
Thesis versus Non-Thesis Options for Culminating Experiences
- Research Inquiry Methods Regular Course Offerings
Below are regularly offered courses that focus primarily on research methodology at the College of Education. Courses are organized as quantitative, qualitative (including conceptual/philosophical), and mixed methods (including historical). Within each of these three areas, we have courses sorted by their difficulty level (Tier 1=introductory, 2=intermediate, 3=advanced/ more than one pre-requisite), and then within tiers, sorted by course number.
Note that these courses are open to UW students outside of the College (with permission of instructor) and are not courses intended for self -contained programs (such as School Psychology, TEP, and L4L). Please refer to the listing below for a quick overview; for more detailed course descriptions refer to the Coursework Guides.
Quantitative Research Methods Coursework Guide
Qualitative Research Methods Coursework Guide
Note that these listings are simply meant to be informative for coursework planning; please check with your advisor to see which courses will best fit your particular degree and program area, and please check UW Time Schedule for new courses and seminars.