Non-Matriculated & Graduate Non-Matriculated Students
What is Non-Matriculated status?
Individuals who have completed a bachelor’s degree and wish to take a course through the College of Education, but who have not been admitted to a College of Education degree program, may enroll as Non-matriculated student (NM) or Graduate Non-Matriculated (GNM) student.
Non-Matriculated and Graduate Non-Matriculated students pay course fees by the course level and may, if admitted to a COE degree program, apply up to 12 credits taken as a GNM, with the approval of their faculty advisor.
Who takes courses as a GNM?
People who think they may apply for admission to an M.Ed. or Doctoral program in the College of Education in the future. This is a good way to sample graduate school before making a decision to apply for admission.
Students from other colleges and universities who need to apply a particular course offered at the UW to a program at their home institution.
People who want to take one or two courses and perhaps apply them to a future degree program, here or at another college or university.
Who takes courses as a NM?
Applicants for the Masters in Teaching (M.I.T.) program who need to fulfill prerequisite course requirements before applying to the M.I.T. program.
Currently certified teachers who are interested in taking course towards adding an endorsement and do not wish to apply these credits towards a graduate degree.
Currently certified teachers who are interested in completing the Professional Certification program and do not wish to apply these credits towards a graduate degree.
GNM Eligibility
Individuals who have received a bachelor’s degree but who are not current UW graduate students may apply. Admission to GNM status requires a a bachelor’s degree; 3.0 GPA in the last 90 quarter (or 60 semester) credits; and approval by the College of Education.
Individuals with F-1 student visas are not eligible for GNM status.
Non-native English speakers must also meet the English Language Proficiency (ELP) requirement
GNM students in the College of Education may not be GNM students in another department.
Limitations on GNM credits
There is no limit on GNM credits earned, but only 12 GNM credits (or combination of GNM and transfer credits) may be applied to a UW degree program.
Autumn quarter- September 1st
Winter quarter - December 1st
Spring quarter - March 1st
Summer quarter - June 1st
How to apply for GNM status
1. Contact the Office of Student Services to make sure GNM status is appropriate for you. Call 206-543-7834 or email
2. Visit the Graduate School's online application to complete the application online. There is a $75 non-refundable or transferable fee for GNM applications.
3. As part of the online application, you will upload unofficial transcripts. (Official transcripts are not required)
4. When your online application is submitted, it will then be processed and reviewed by the Office of Student Services.
Once your GNM application has been reviewed by the College of Education and the GNM office, you will be notified by the Graduate School whether or not you have been admitted under GNM status to take courses in the College of Education.
Once you are approved to take GNM courses in the College of Education click here for further instructions on how to register for courses as a GNM student.
How to register for courses as a NM student
Click here for the steps to apply.
Once you have instructor approval for a course, please email the Office of Student Services at for departmental approval.
About NM or GNM in the College of Education?
Call or email the Student Services Office to make sure GNM status is appropriate for you: Call 206-543-7834, or email
About NM or GNM registration procedures and fees?
Call UW Educational Outreach at 206-543-2320 (1-800-543-2320) or visit the Non-Degree website.
About GNM Academic Policies? Call the Graduate School at 206-685-2630