M.Ed. Degree Requirements
The Master of Education (M.Ed.) degree provides intermediate-level graduate training that enhances professional knowledge and prepares you for further graduate study, if desired. The information below is intended to be a guide; students should consult their faculty advisers for information pertaining specific programs. Each M.Ed. student must satisfy both Graduate School and College of Education minimum requirements in order to receive the degree. It is your responsibility to learn these requirements and ensure that your Course of Study is designed to meet them.
The Graduate School’s minimum requirements for the master’s degree are summarized below. A complete list and explanation of the requirements can be found here.
- A minimum of 36 quarter credits of graduate coursework, 18 of which must be in 500-level courses or above.
- Numerical grades must be received in at least 18 quarter credits of coursework taken at the UW at the 400 level or above (499 does not count).
- A minimum grade-point average of 3.0 is required to graduate, and a minimum grade of 2.7 must be earned in all courses counting toward the degree.
- No more than six graduate-level quarter credits can be transferred from other academic institutions (applies only to the master’s degree).
- Up to 12 graduate non-matriculated (GNM) credit hours can apply toward a master’s degree. (M.Ed. students who also wish to transfer credit hours from another institution may apply a combination of GNM and up to six approved transfer credits, totaling 12 credits).
- Thesis option students must complete a minimum of 9 Thesis credits (EDUC 700).
The College of Education’s minimum requirements for the M.Ed. degree are summarized below.
- A minimum of 45 credits of graduate (400- level or above) coursework.
- Removal of any X, N, or I grades from transcripts by completing courses. You must successfully complete these courses by the end of the quarter in which you expect to receive your degree, It is your responsibility to provide confirmation of converted grades.
- A minimum grade of 2.7 in all coursework used to satisfy M.Ed. requirements, and a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0.
- Fulfillment of culminating thesis, project, or exam, as well as other area requirements.
- Thesis option students must complete a minimum of 9 Thesis credits (EDUC 700).
Program requirements
Upon admission to the M.Ed. program, you will be assigned a faculty adviser in your chosen program of study. Working together, you and your adviser will prepare a tentative Course of Study to meet your goals and the requirements of the program, the College of Education, and the UW. Although the role of faculty advisers is designed to assist students in completing the M.Ed. degree, it is your responsibility to follow all procedures and understand the requirements of the Graduate School and the College of Education.
Upon admission to the M.Ed. program, you will be assigned a faculty adviser in your chosen program of study. Working together, you and your adviser will prepare a tentative Course of Study to meet your goals and the requirements of the program, the College of Education, and the UW. Although the role of faculty advisers is designed to assist students in completing the M.Ed. degree, it is your responsibility to follow all procedures and understand the requirements of the Graduate School and the College of Education.
Course of Study Forms
- Curriculum & Instruction (Culturally Sustaining Education, Language, Literacy and Culture, Multicultural Education, Islandwood, and Science Education)
- If you are a student who started in 2016, please use this Course of Study form
- Education Policy
- Educational Organization, Leadership, & Policy Studies
- Instructional Leadership
- Leadership in Higher Education
- Learning Sciences & Human Development
- If you are a student who started before 2020, please use this Course of Study form
- Measurement and Statistics
- Social & Cultural Foundations
- Special Education
- Special Education-Applied Behavior Analysis-On Campus
- Special Education-Applied Behavior Analysis-Online
Completing your culminating work
Every M.Ed. student must prepare a culminating work prior to graduation. The available options will differ depending on your chosen program of study, but will include at least one of the following:
- A comprehensive written exam, usually completed in one sitting.
- Research culminating in a formal master’s thesis, along with an oral defense.
- A portfolio project on a chosen topic, along with an oral presentation.
Registration in EDLPS 600, EDC&I 600, EDSPE 600, or EDPSY 600 (Independent Study or Research) is appropriate when completing a culminating project or research paper.
You should meet early with your assigned adviser to decide which option is best given your interests and aptitudes. In addition, you should create a plan for how to complete the requirements of a culminating work. See here for clarification about the differences, requirements, and benefits of the different options.
M.Ed. students completing a thesis
A student who chooses to complete a thesis will need to complete at least 9 thesis credit hours - this is specifically EDUC 700. Have your program cleared by your thesis committee before the oral defense. In addition, it is your responsibility to ensure that the thesis meets current Graduate School requirements.
Review the Graduate School Thesis Checklist and submission guidelines.
Once you have successfully defended your thesis and completed any revisions requested by your committee, the remaining step is to submit your thesis to the Graduate School.
- Make note of the thesis submission deadlines established by the Graduate School
- Your thesis must also be submitted online by the last day of the quarter.
All title pages and all other pages that require signatures need to bear original signatures. Obtain original signatures on your Master’s Supervisory Committee Approval Form to be submitted online. See Dates and Deadlines.