Funds to Support Faculty Professional Development
Annual Allocation & Purpose
All COE voting faculty members will receive an annual allocation of $1,500 (or an amount appropriate based on available college funds). Funds may be used to support professional development including conference travel, memberships in professional organizations, research travel, books or other items allowable by UW expenditure policies.
Annual Spending and Funding Carry Forward
Faculty must spend their annual allocation by June 30 of each year. If it is anticipated that funds will remain at June 30, faculty may request carry forward of up to a maximum of $1,500 of their total funds by submitting a request to the COE’s 222 Miller fiscal team ( Carry forward requests of up to a maximum of $1,500 must be submitted to no later than the last day of spring quarter and include a brief description of the plan and timeline for spending the funds. Faculty will receive approval of the carry forward request within three business days after the receipt of the request.