James Banks Courses

The Last Courses Taught by Professor James A. Banks at the University of Washington 

EDC&I 474 Multi-Ethnic Studies: Methods, Content, and Materials (3)

This course was designed to help preservice and in-service teachers identify content and materials and devise methods for implementing ethnic studies programs and for incorporating ethnic content into the regular K-12 social studies, language arts, and humanities curricula. Special attention was given to teaching about American Indians, Mexican Americans, African Americans, Asian Americans, Puerto Rican Americans, and White ethnic groups. The main text in this course was James A. Banks (2009). Teaching Strategies for Ethnic Studies (8th edition). Boston and New York: Pearson.

EDC&I 505 Multicultural Education Across Nations: Policy and Curriculum Issues (3)

This course was designed to acquaint graduate students and educational practitioners with the research, concepts, theories, and practices in multicultural education in nations around the world. An emphasis was placed on how different nations educate students for citizenship and balance unity and diversity. The course was organized around key concepts and used case studies from various nations in different parts of the world to exemplify and illustrate the concepts. Case studies were drawn from different nations, including the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, France, Germany, Spain, Russia, South Africa, Japan, China, India, Singapore, Indonesia, Brazil, and Mexico.

EDC&I 569 Educating Ethnic Minority Youths (4)

This course consisted of an intensive analysis and review of the research and curricular programs related to the social, psychological, and political factors that influence the school experiences of ethnic minority youths. Special attention was given to instructional and curricular programs for African American, American Indian, Mexican American, Puerto Rican American, and Asian American students. Prerequisite: graduate standing or permission of instructor.

EDC&I 574: Race, Gender, and Knowledge Construction: Curriculum Considerations (3)

Using historical and contemporary perspectives, this course considered ways in which knowledge related to race and gender is constructed and the implications of the ways in which knowledge is constructed for curriculum reform and teaching. Prerequisite: one course in ethnic studies, multicultural education, or women studies or permission of instructor.