COE Fiscal Office: Procurement


TREQ is our user-friendly request tracking system for soliciting review, approval, and action from the UW College of Education's Fiscal Office. This system automates many of the steps used in requesting procurement and is available for use to the college’s faculty and staff. To learn more about how to use TREQ, please see the resources below.

*As of 08/31/2020, PurchasePath was replaced by TREQ (Travel & Requisition System)

Go to TREQ

TREQ User Guides (pdf)

Basic | Entering Pre Travel | Travel Reimbursement (Using Travel Pre-Authorization Submission)

TREQ Video Tutorials

TREQ Walk-Through

Download Tutorial PDF

Making A Purchase

Pre Travel Authorization

Travel Reimbursement (No Pre Authorization)

Travel Reimbursement (Using Pre Authorization)


Need More Help?

If you would like further help with TREQ, feel free to book a time with us here

You can also email