
The UW College of Education Faculty Council awards multiple scholarships each year. Awards can range from $2,000 to the full cost of education. These scholarships are made possible through the generous gifts of alumni and other supporters. We also keep a database of external scholarship opportunities designed for aspiring educators.

Scholarships are available to enrolled Danforth students and are awarded based on unmet financial need.
Early Care & Education (ECE) and Early Childhood & Family Studies (ECFS) students can be awarded up to the cost of attendance.
Graduate students can be awarded $2,000 - $5,000 if they are earning their M.Ed, Ed.S, Ed.D or Ph.D through a College of Education program.
The CoE Teacher Preparation Office will provide scholarship application materials directly to MIT students
Through this one application, undergraduate students can apply for multiple scholarships worth between $900 - $5,000.
Undergraduate students committed to a career as an educator can earn between $3000 - $8,000.