Additional Appointments
Boeing Professor of Teacher Education
Research Interests
Betina Hsieh
My scholarship, teaching and approach to teacher education are informed by over a decade of urban middle school classroom experience, and work supporting professional learning among teachers. I have published widely in peer reviewed journals and presented over 40 research papers on issues related to teaching and teacher education. My early career work focused largely on teacher professional identity, an area that I am currently taking up again in relation to teacher agency, professional choice-making, and teacher retention. I have also published work in the areas of: critical (media) literacies, digital literacies, identity-informed mentoring, teacher professional learning and development, Asian Americans in education, and done duo/ collaborative autoethnographic work related to the experiences of Asian American women (and MotherScholars) in teacher education. My latest research projects, in addition to focusing on teacher professional identity/ professionalism and retention also approach teacher identity and choice making through humanizing lenses and specifically examine the experiences of Asian American teachers and students. Recent peer-reviewed publications include articles in Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, English Teaching: Practice and Critique, Literacy Research and Instruction, Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, the Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, the Peabody Journal of Education, and the Journal of Teacher Education. My recent book The Racialized Experiences of Asian American Teachers co-authored with Dr. Jung Kim is the first comprehensive research monograph focused on the experiences of Asian American teachers using the tenets of Asian Critical Race Theory.
I believe deeply in the importance of educational research that is accessible to teacher education practitioners and educators, in addition to the research community. To that end, I have published in K-12 practitioner-focused journals and magazines likeEducational Leadership, the English Journal, and Voices from the Middle, as well as being cited in the Atlantic. Additionally, I have given a TEDx talk, “Learning from One Another: Lessons in (Educational) Excellence” and appeared as a guest on multiple educational podcasts including the Black Gaze Podcast and All of the Above.
I have been active in leadership in several professional organizations including the American Educational Research Association and the National Council of Teachers of English, and am currently finishing my term as president of the California Council on Teacher Education, a state affiliate of both the Association of Teacher Educators and the American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education.