UW Resources, Tools & Training
Faculty Effort Certification Training: An online training course to assess faculty by clarifying effort reporting rules and expectations. The material provides a practical guide for faculty effort during proposal preparation, payment, and charging of salaries to a grant or contract, and reporting and certifying effort.
Grant Management for Investigators: Workshops to assist faculty investigators with the fiscal aspects of grants management.
Financial Interest Disclosure System (FIDS): An online system that allows faculty to disclose Significant Financial Interests (SFI) related to research projects.
Grants and Funding Information Service: Provides help identifying resources for external funding (not UW funding) for graduate students (masters and doctoral level) who have been admitted to or who are attending the UW.
Human Subjects Division: For information on all aspects of protection of human subjects in research at the UW.
Office of Sponsored Programs: OSP, a unit in the UW Office of Research, reviews, negotiates, approves, and provides administrative oversight for grants and contracts awarded to the University.
OSP Proposal Preparation Guide: Links to information on the UW's grant-related systems, as well as guides for writing proposals.
Researchers Guide: Links to resources for funding opportunities and grant proposal writing, plus UW-specific policies and procedures.
Training: A tool to help those conducting research at the UW to comply with external sponsor and internal requirements and to reduce risk to the researcher. Which trainings are required depends largely on what the research involves.