College researchers honored with 2020 AERA awards
The outstanding scholarship of University of Washington College of Education faculty, students and alumni has been recognized with several honors from the American Educational Research Association during its 2020 awards cycle.
“Our researchers are dedicated to engaging in deep, equitable partnerships with communities and schools that rethink what is possible in education,” said UW College of Education Dean Mia Tuan. “I’m especially pleased to see many faculty who have recently joined the College, as well as recent graduates and current students, recognized for research that is making a real-world impact. Their scholarship is helping improve the quality of our local, state and national educational systems and moving us closer to a reality where every student can achieve their full potential.”
Those being recognized include the following researchers.
Shaneé Washington (Assistant Professor)
Outstanding Dissertation Award | Leadership for Social Justice SIG
Outstanding Dissertation Award | Family, School, Community Partnerships SIG
Outstanding Dissertation Award, Honorable Mention | Division A – Administration, Organization, & Leadership
Professor Washington’s dissertation, “Family-School-Community (Dis)Engagement: An Indigenous Community’s Fight for Educational Equity and Cultural Reclamation in a New England School District,” explored the ways that Indigenous families, community members and district educators conceptualized and practiced family-school-community engagement and whether their conceptualizations and practices were aligned and culturally sustaining/revitalizing.
Throughout Professor Washington’s scholarship, she investigates how aspiring and developing teachers and leaders become culturally revitalizing and/or sustaining educators of Indigenous and other minoritized students who experience schools as colonizing institutions.
She is co-author of the article “Flipping their Lids: Teachers’ Wellbeing in Crisis” in “Flip the System Australia: What Matters in Education” and the book chapter “Collaborative Professionalism Across Cultures and Contexts: Cases of Education Change Networks Enhancing Teaching and Learning in Canada and Columbia” in “Professional Learning Networks: Facilitating Educational Transformation.”
Emily Machado (Assistant Professor)
Early Career Award | Language and Social Processes SIG
Professor Machado studies the teaching and learning of writing in linguistically and culturally diverse classroom contexts. Her current research examines how young children draw on their communicative resources (including languages, dialects, literacies and cultural practices) in and through their writing.
Her recent publications include “Translingual writing in a linguistically diverse primary classroom” in the Journal of Literacy Research, “Centering multilingualism in elementary writing: Considerations for school and literacy leaders” in English Leadership Quarterly and “Cultivating Opportunities for Young Adolescents to use Multilingual and Multicultural Resources in School Writing” in Voices from the Middle.
Listen to a podcast with Machado in which she discusses how providing opportunities for students to bring languages other than English into their writing supports children's agency, power and expression; how educators can integrate these opportunities into their instruction; the preparation of future teachers for their work in linguistically diverse classrooms and more.
Jennifer Hoffman (Associate Professor)
Outstanding Contribution to the Field Award | Education and Sport SIG
As a researcher with the Center for Leadership in Athletics at the UW College of Education, Professor Hoffman explores factors that influence participation in leadership of intercollegiate athletics, the ways in which decision-making is informed by data and how equity policies shape intercollegiate athletics in significant ways.
Hoffman is author of the recently released book “College Sports and Institutional Values in Competition,” which delves into the intersection of athletics and higher education, exploring how college athletics departments reflect many characteristics of their institutions and are susceptible to many of the same challenges in delivering on their mission. She is editor of the CLA’s Research From The Front Porch research briefs and is a founding member of the Education and Sport SIG.
Listen to a podcast with Hoffman about her new book.
Ishmael Miller (Doctoral Student)
Out-of-School Time Emerging Scholar Award | Out-of-School Time SIG
Miller is a doctoral student in the UW’s educational policy, organizations and leadership program whose research focuses on race, equity and leading out of school time organizations — school clubs, summer camps and afterschool programs. His goal is to design leadership practices and craft learning environments rooted in providing equitable experiences to all youth.
Miller is serving as a UW Community Partner Fellow with School’s Out Washington, supporting the organization’s work building community systems to advance quality afterschool, youth development and summer programs for Washington’s children and youth.
Carlyn Mueller (PhD ‘19)
Outstanding Dissertation Award | Special and Inclusive Education SIG
Mueller’s dissertation, “Beyond Stigma: Disability Identity in School Contexts,” focused on understanding adolescent disability identity development in special education, using qualitative interviews to explore the collective disability identity that is already present in the adult disability community.
Alyson Honsa and Ishmael Miller (Doctoral Students)
David L. Clark Scholars | AERA Divisions A & L
Honsa and Miller, doctoral students in educational policy, organizations and leadership, were accepted for the David L. Clark National Graduate Student Research Seminar in Educational Administration & Policy, sponsored by the University Council for Educational Administration, AERA Divisions A and L and SAGE Publications.
The Clark Program brings emerging educational administration and policy scholars and noted researchers together for presentations, generative discussion and professional growth.
Since 2015, UW College of Education faculty, students and alumni have earned the following AERA honors:
- Early Career Awards: Division-Level — Professors Jessica Rigby and Megan Bang
- Early Career Publication Award: SIG-Level — Professor Katie Lewis
- Outstanding Dissertation Awards: Division-Level — Professor Emma Elliott-Groves (PhD '16), Julia Daniels (PhD ‘18)
- Outstanding Dissertation Awards: SIG-Level — Professor Emily Machado (2), Professor Maggie Beneke, Stephanie Forman (PhD ‘18), Elise St. John (PhD '14)
- Bobby Wright Award for Early Career Contributions to Research in Indigenous Education — Professor Megan Bang
- Outstanding Publication Award: SIG-Level — Professor Maresi Nerad
- Exemplary Contributions to Practice-Engaged Research Award — Professor Ann M. Ishimaru
- AERA Fellows — Professors Nancy Beadie, Walter Parker and Sheila Valencia
Dustin Wunderlich, Director of Marketing and Communications