Maresi Nerad
Maresi Nerad is the founding director of the Center for Innovation and Research in Graduate Education (CIRGE) and Professor for in Higher Education in the Leadership in Higher Education Program, College of Education, at the University of Washington, Seattle.
A native of Germany, Dr. Nerad received her doctorate in higher education from the University of California, Berkeley; directed research in the central Graduate Division of UC Berkeley for 15 years; spent 2000 as Dean in Residence at the Council of Graduate Schools, the professional Association of US Graduate Deans, in Washington, D.C; joined the University of Washington (UW) in Seattle in 2001, and opened CIRGE in 2002.
She served as Associate Dean of the UW central Graduate School from 2003- 2009, spent three months at the University of Melbourne, Australia (2005) at its Postgraduate School as a distinguished Mieguanyah Fellow; was appointed Professor Extraordinary by the University of the Free State, South Africa (2011-2013), received a Fulbright Specialist award, spend three months (2011) in South Africa, and three months (2014) as visiting professor at Nagoya University, Japan.
She has served on many national and institutional doctoral education reviews including the German Excellence Initiative (2006, 2011), the U.S. National Research Council (2002-3) to examine the Methodology for the Assessment of Research Doctorate Programs. She served and still serve on US and international advisory boards, such as International Advisory Committee for Science and Engineering of the US National Science Foundation (NSF) (2011- 2013); the Presidential Innovation Broad of the University of Bremen, Germany (2014-19) or of the Graduate Academy of the Goethe University of Frankfurt (2011-16); and undertakes formative and summative research for flagship interdisciplinary doctoral programs of NSF (IGERT/NRT), the German Excellence Graduate Schools (Materials MAINZ), or the European Commission (UNIKE).
She has written and edited 5 books and published numerous articles on doctoral education, the latest book appeared 2014, Globalization and it Impact on the Quality of the PhD, Sense Publishers.
Nerad, M, Evans B., eds. (forthcoming 2013) Globalizing Forces and the Evolving PhD. Forces and Forms of Doctoral Education Worldwide. With introduction and conclusion and a separate chapter, “Fit to be Used” by M. Nerad. Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
Nerad, M and Heggelund, M, eds. Chinese Translation 2010. Towards a Global PhD? Forces and Forms in Doctoral Education Worldwide. Shanghai: Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press.
Nerad, M and Heggelund, M, eds. 2008. Towards a Global PhD? Forces and Forms in Doctoral Education Worldwide. With introduction and conclusion by M. Nerad. Seattle: University of Washington Press. Reviewed in Nature Magazine by Peter Scott, Vol. 454. No 7203, full/4, on line published 23. July 2008.
Nerad, M. 1999. The Academic Kitchen: A Social History of Gender Stratification at the University of California, Berkeley. Albany: SUNY Press.
Nerad, M. with June, R. & Miller, D., eds. 1997. Graduate Education in the United States. With an introduction by M. Nerad: "The Cyclical Problems of Graduate Education: Institutional Responses in the 1990s." New York: Garland Press.
Duelli Klein, R., Nerad, M. and Metz-Goeckel, S., eds. 1982. Feministische Wissenschaft und Frauenstudium. (Feminist Research and Women's Studies in the U.S.) Hamburg, Germany: Arbeitsgemeinschaft Hochschuldidaktik, Blickpunkt Hochschuldidaktik
Peer Reviewed Articles
Blumenfield T., Nerad M. 2012. International Assessment: Developing a Research Agenda for (Post)graduate Education and Collaboration. Australian Universities Review. Vol. 54. No 1. 2012, pp. 72-83.
Flores, E., Nerad M. 2012. Peer in Doctoral Education: Unrecognized Learning partners. New Directions for Higher Education. No 157, Spring 201, pp.73- 83.
Nerad, M. 2011. “ It takes a Global Village to Educate the Next Generations of PhDs and Postdocs.” Acta Academia, Special Issue, vol. 2, pp. 198- 216.
Nerad, M. 2011. What We Know about the Dramatic Increase in PhD Degrees and the Reform of Doctoral Education Worldwide: Implications for South Africa. Perspectives in Education. Vol. 29. No. 3, pp.1-12.
Morrison, R. Rudd E., Nerad M. 2011. Early Career of Recent U.S. Social Science PhDs. Learning and Teaching: The International Journal of Higher Education in the Social Science. Vol. 4, issue 2, summer 2011, pp. 6-29.
Morrison, E., Rudd, E., Zumeta,W. and Nerad, M. 2011. What Matters for Excellence in PhD Programs? Latent Constructs of Doctoral Program Quality Used By Early Career Social Scientists,” Journal of Higher Education. Vol. 82, no 5, pp 535-563.
Morrison, E., Rudd, E, Nerad, M. 2011. Onto, Up, Off the Academic Faculty Ladder: The Gendered Effects of Family on Career Transitions for a Cohort of Social Science PhDs. The Review of Higher Education. vol. 34, no.4, Summer 2011, pp. 525-553.
Nerad, M. 2010. Globalization and the Internationalization of Graduate Education: A Macros and Micro View. Canadian Journal of Higher Education, Volume 40, issue 1, pp.1-12.
Nerad, M. 2010. Increase in PhD Production and Reform in Doctoral Education Worldwide. Higher Education Forum. Research Institute for Higher Education, Hiroshima University. Vol 7. March, pp. 69-84.
Morrison, E, Rudd, E. Picciano, J, Nerad, M. 2010. ““Are You Satisfied? PhD Education and Faculty Taste for Prestige-Limits of the Prestige Value System.” Research in Higher Education, 52 (1) pp. 24-46.
Martinez, G. T. Nerad, M. and Rudd, E. 2010. “Global perspectives on advocating for change in doctoral education”. Learning and Teaching: The International Journal of Higher Education in the Social Science. Vol. 3, no. 1, Spring.
Rudd, E., Morison E., Nerad, M, Sadrozinski, R. and Cerny, J. 2008. “Equality and Illusion: Gender and Tenure in Art History Careers.” Journal of Marriage and the Family, vol. 70, no. 1, 228-238.
Aanerud, R., Homer L., Rudd, E., Morrison, E, Nerad, M., & Cerny,J. 2007. “Widening the Lens on Gender and Tenure: Looking beyond the Academic Labor Market.” NWSA Journal. 19:3.
Nerad, M. 2005. “From Graduate Student to World Citizen in a Global Environment,” International Higher Education, IHE 40, 8-9.
Nerad, M. 2004. “The PhD in the US: Criticisms, Facts and Remedies,” Higher Education Policy, vol.17, no. 2.
Nerad, M. and Cerny, J., 2002. “Postdoctoral Appointments and Employment Patterns of Science and Engineering Doctoral Recipients Ten-plus Years after Ph.D. Completion: Selected Results from the ‘Ph.D.s – Ten Years Later Study,’ Communicator, Council of Graduate Schools, Washington. D.C. Volume 35, no. 7; August-September 2002 (since 2000, articles in the Communicator are peer reviewed).
Nerad, M. and Cerny, J.. 1999. “Postdoctoral Patterns, Career Advancement, and Problems,” in American Association for the Advancement of Science, Science, vol. 285, pp. 1533-1535.
Nerad, M. 1987. “The Situation of Women Students at Berkeley, 1870-1915.”Feminist Issues, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 67-80.
Nerad, M. 1987. “Gender Stratification in Higher Education: The Department of Home Economics at the University of California, Berkeley, 1916-1962.” Women's Studies International Forum, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 157-164. London: Pergamon Press.
Book Chapters in Edited Volumes
Nerad, M. 2011. “ The Internationalization of Doctoral Education- A Two-Way Approach: Promoting Productive Education Experiences for PhD Students.” In Kai Yu and Stith Andrea (eds.). Competition and Cooperation among Universities in the Age of Internationalization: Proceedings of the AC21 International Forum 2010. Shanghai: Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press.
Nerad, M. 2009. “Graduate Education and its Changes in the U.S.,” in Daigakuin Kyoiku no Genjo Kadai [Graduate Education, and Future] pp.291-305. Hiroshima: Research Institute for Higher Education, Hiroshima University, Japan.
Nerad, M. 2009. “Confronting Common Assumptions: Designing Future-oriented Doctoral Education,” in Ronald Ehrenberg (eds.) Doctoral Education and the Faculty of the Future. Ithaka, NY: Cornell University Press.
Nerad, M. 2008. “Doctoral Education in the US,” in Nerad M and Heggelund M. (eds.) Towards a Global PhD? Forces and Forms in Doctoral Education Worldwide. Seattle: University of Washington Press.
Nerad, M. 2007. “The Doctorate in the US,” in The Doctorate Worldwide. Howard Green and Stuart Powell, Open University Press.
Wulff, D, and Nerad M. 2006. “Using an Alignment Model as a Framework in the Assessment of Doctoral Programs,” in Assessing Learning at the Doctoral Level. eds. Peggy L. Maki and Nancy Borkowski. Sterling, Virginia: Stylus.
Aanerud, R., Homer L., Nerad, M., & Cerny, C. 2006. “Using Ph.D. Career Path Analysis and Ph.D.s’ Perceptions of Their Education as a Means to Assess Doctoral Program,” in Assessing Learning at the Doctoral Level. Eds. Peggy L. Maki and Nancy Borkowsk. Sterling, Virginia: Stylus.
Nerad, M. 2004. "Promovieren in den USA". (The US PhD) Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst [DAAD] Hersg., Die Internationale Hochschule, Band 3: Bielefeld, Germany.
Nerad, M, Aanerud, R. & Cerny, J. 2004 “So You Want to Be a Professor! Lessons from the PhDs—Ten Years Later Study,” in Paths to the Professoriate: Strategies for Enriching the Preparation of Future Faculty. eds. Donald H. Wulff, Ann Austin, and Associates. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Nerad, M. and Cerny, J. 1998. “Widening the Circle: Another Look at Graduate Women Students,” in Über Grenzen. Neue Wege in Wissenschaft und Politik (Beyond Boundaries: New Paths in Science and Politics). Festschrift for E. Mayer. Bettina Schmitt, Karin Hartmann, Beate Krais, eds. Frankfurt, Germany: Campus. Expanded version in special issue of the Council of Graduate Schools, Communicator, vol. XXXII, no. 6. Washington, D.C.: August 1999.
Nerad, M. and Miller, D. 1997. “The Institution Cares: Berkeley's Efforts to Support Doctoral Students in the Humanities and Social Sciences with their Dissertations,” in: Dissertation Players and Process: Factors Affecting Completion. New Direction for Higher Education, no. 99. eds. L. Goodchild, K. Green, E. Katz, R. Kluever. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Nerad, M. with Miller, D. 1996. “Increasing Student Retention in Graduate and Professional Programs,” in: Assessment in Graduate and Professional Programs, Demand, Process, Outcomes. New Directions for Institutional Research, no. 92. ed. Jennifer Haworth. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Nerad, M. 1996. “Mentoring auf den zweiten Blick - einige provokative Thesen,” in: Vorausdenken, Querdenken, Nachdenken (Thinking Ahead, Thinking Against the Stream, Reflecting), eds. Sigrid Metz-Göckel and Angelika Wetterer. Frankfurt, Germany: Campus.
Nerad, M. and Cerny, J. 1993. “From Facts to Action: Expanding the Graduate Division's Educational Role,” in: Increasing Graduate Student Retention and Degree Attainment. New Directions for Institutional Research, no. 80, ed. Leonard Baird. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Picciano, J., Rudd, E., Emory, M. and Nerad, M. 2008. CIRGE Spotlight #3 on Doctoral Education: “Does Time-to Degree Matter?” Findings from Social Science PhDs—Five+ Years Out”. CIRGE: Seattle, WA. www.cirge.washington.edu
Rudd, E., Nerad, M., Emory, M., and Picciano, J.2008. CIRGE Spotlight #2 on Doctoral Education: “Professional Development for PhD student:. Do they Really Need It? Findings from Social Science PhDs—Five+ Years Out”. CIRGE: Seattle, WA.
Rudd, E., Emory, M., Picciano, J., and Nerad, M. 2008. CIRGE Spotlight #1 on Doctoral Education: “Are Women and Men Finally on Equal Footing in Social Science Careers? Findings from Social Science PhDs—Five+ Years Out”. CIRGE: Seattle, WA.
Morrison, E., Rudd, E., Picciano J., and Nerad, M. 2008. Sociology Report: PhD Program Quality, Early Careers, and Gender Stratification. DISCIPLINARY REPORTS, CIRGE: Seattle, WA. www.cirge.washington.edu
Sclater, K., Rudd, E. Morrison, E., Picciano J., and Nerad, M. 2008. After the Degree: Recent History PhDs Weigh in on Careers and Graduate School. DISCIPLINARY REPORTS, CIRGE: Seattle, WA.
Hickerson, A., Rudd, E. Morrison, E., Picciano J., and Nerad, M. 2008. Communicating the PhD Experience: Communication PhDs Five+Years after Graduation. DISCIPLINARY REPORTS, CIRGE: Seattle, WA.
Babbit, V., Rudd, E., Morrison, E., Picciano, J., and Nerad M. 2008. Careers of Geography PhDs: Findings from Social Science PhDs—Five+ Years Out. DISCIPLINARY REPORTS CIRGE: Seattle, WA.
Rudd E. Morrison, E., Picciano J., and Nerad, M. 2008. Social Science PhDs—Five+ Years Out: Anthropology Report. CIRGE: Seattle, WA.
Nerad, M, Rudd E, Morrison, E., Picciano, J. 2007. Social Science PhDs- Five+ Year s Out. A National Survey of PhDs in Six Fields. HIGHLIGHTS REPORT, CIRGE: Seattle, WA. www.cirge.washington.edu
Sadrozinski, R., Nerad, M., & Cerny, J., 2003. Art History PhDs—A Decade Later, Results of a National Survey. CIRGE: Seattle, WA. www.cirge.washington.edu
Nerad, M. 1994. Untersuchung ausgewählter Graduiertenkollegs in Hessen im Vergleich mit dem Doktorandenstudium in den USA. (A Comparison of Selected Doctoral Programs at German Universities with the American Ph.D. Program). Center for Higher Education and Work. Kassel: University of Kassel, Germany.
Nerad, M. 1983. Beyond National Boundaries: An International Profile of the University of California, Berkeley. Foreword by Chancellor Ira Michael Heyman. San Francisco: Bay Area and the World.
Nerad, M. 1981. Women's Centers at U.S. Universities (Frauenzentren an Amerikanischen Hochschulen). Werkstattbericht No. 5, Center of Higher Education and Work. Kassel: University Kassel, Germany.