Miller 115C

Additional Appointments

Affiliate Faculty, Disability Studies Affiliate Faculty, Banks Center for Educational Justice

Research Interests

Early Childhood
Equity Studies
Qualitative Research Methods
Teacher Education & Research

Maggie Beneke

Associate Professor

My scholarship is concerned with transforming deficit discourses surrounding young children’s identities and competencies, particularly young disabled children. I come to this work as a white woman scholar and former inclusive early childhood teacher who was labeled with a disability as a young child. Drawing on framings from critical disability studies in education and disability justice movement work, in my recent research I have examined how ableism and racism intersect in the context of everyday literacy practices, as well as how young children, families, and early educators negotiate, resist- and imagine beyond - oppressive notions of “normalcy" in school. I consider how such resistance can inform shifts in teacher education and early childhood education.

Ph.D. University of Kansas; Special Education
M.A.T. Tufts University; Child Development
B.A. Illinois Wesleyan University; English Literature & Studio Art
Centers and Initiatives


Fellowships, honors and awards
  • Early Literacy Educator of the Year, Early Childhood Education Assembly, National Council for Teachers of English - 2020
  • Outstanding Dissertation Award, Disability Studies in Education SIG, American Educational Research Association - 2018
  • Outstanding Student Member, Kansas Division for Early Childhood, Council for Exceptional Children - 2017
  • Judy Tate Outstanding Doctoral Student Award, Department of Special Education, University of Kansas - 2016
  • Doctoral Research Fellow, Institute for Policy & Social Research, University of Kansas - 2016

If you'd like a copy of a publication but do not have institutional access, email

  • Siuty, M. E., Beneke, M. R., & Handy, T. (2024). Conceptualizing white-ability saviorism: A necessary reckoning with ableism in urban teacher education. Review of Educational Research. Online Publication/Abstract.
  • Beneke, M. R., Cioè-Peña, M., & Migliarini, V. (2024). Solidarity on the screen and six feet apart? DisCrit mothering amid multiple social crises. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education. Online Publication/Abstract.
  • Machado, E., Beneke, M. R., & Love, H. R. (2024). "So that I may hope to honor you": Centering wholeness, agency, and brilliance in qualitative research with multiply marginalized young children. Educational Researcher, 53(4), 245-251. Online Publication/Abstract.
  • Phuong, J., Padía, L., & Beneke, M. R. (2024). Struggling toward abolition and dreaming beyond ableism in teacher education. Theory into Practice, 63(4), 340-352. Online Publication/Abstract.
  • Beneke, M. R., Machado, E., & Taitingfong, J. (2024). Dismantling carceral logics in the urban early literacy classroom: Towards liberatory literacy pedagogies with/for multiply-marginalized young children. Urban Education, 59(6), 1871-1904Online Publication/Abstract.
  • Beneke, M. R., Machado, E., Taitingfong, J., Dhoot, S., Nagarajan, J., & Rupert, M. (2023). “‘Together’ means I am not the only one”: Educators reclaiming interdependence in early literacy through narratives of struggle. Language Arts, 100(5), 365-377. Online Publication/Abstract.
  • Machado, E., Beneke, M. R., & Taitingfong, J. (2023). "Rise up, hand in hand": Early childhood teachers writing a liberatory literacy pedagogy. American Educational Research JournalOnline Publication/Abstract. 
  • Beneke, M. R., & Love, H. R. (2022). A DisCrit analysis of quality in early childhood: Toward pedagogies of wholeness, access, and interdependence. Teachers College Record. Online Publication/Abstract.
  • Mueller, C., & Beneke, M. R. (2022). Whiteness and ability: Discourses in disability history curriculum legislation. Educational Policy. Online Publication/Abstract.
  • Beneke, M. R., Machado, E., & Taitingfong, J. (2022). DisCrit literacies: Early childhood teachers reading school as text and imagining an otherwise. Reading Research Quarterly, 57(4), 1237-1257. Online Publication/Abstract.
  • Beneke, M. R., Siuty, M. B., & Handy, T. (2022). Emotional geographies of exclusion: Whiteness and ability in teacher education research. Teachers College Record124(7), 105-130. Online Publication/Abstract.
  • Beneke, M. R. (2022). Disability critical race theory in and through early childhood literacies. Research in the Teaching of English56(3), 331-333. Online Publication/Abstract.
  • Beneke, M. R., Collins, S., & Powell, S. (2021). Mothering young children of color with disabilities and the politics of care. Equity & Excellence in Education, 54(3), 328-344. Online Publication/Abstract.
  • Beneke, M. R. (2021). Investigating young children's conceptualizations of disability and race: An intersectional, multiplane critique. Educational Researcher, 52(2), 97-104. Online Publication/Abstract.
  • Love, H. R., & Beneke, M. R. (2021). Pursuing justice-driven inclusive education research: Disability critical race theory (DisCrit) in early childhood education. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 41(1), 31-44. Online Publication/Abstract. 
  • Beneke, M. R. (2021). Mapping socio-spatial constructions of normalcy: Whiteness and ability in teacher candidates' educational trajectories. Whiteness and Education. Online Publication/Abstract.
  • Beneke, M. R., & Cheatham, G. A., (2020). Teacher candidates talking (but not talking) about dis/ability and race in preschool. Journal of Literacy Research, 52(3), 245-268. Online Publication/Abstract.
  • Beneke, M. R., & Cheatham, G. A. (2019). Race talk in preschool classrooms: Academic readiness and participation during shared-book reading. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 19(1), 107-133. Online Publication/Abstract.
  • Beneke, M. R., Newton, J. R., Vinh, M., Blanchard, S. B., & Kemp, P. (2019). Practicing inclusion, doing justice: Disability, identity, and belonging in early childhood. Zero to Three, 39(3), 26-34. Online Publication/Abstract.