Research Interests

Educational Policy
Equity Studies
Policy & Educational Reform
Quantitative Research Methods

David Knight

Associate Professor

Dr. David Knight is Director of the Center for the Study of Teaching and Policy and the Center for Early Childhood Policy and Equity at the University of Washington College of Education and serves as Associate Professor of Education Finance and Policy. David is a Fellow at the National Education Policy Center and a member of the Board of Trustees of the National Education Finance Academy. 

His research focuses on the economics of education and school finance. He studies educational systems through the lens of economic theory and methodologies. His work emphasizes distributive justice, racial/ethnic and socioeconomic equity, systematic racial segregation into under-resourced school districts, and policies aimed at reducing inequality and addressing longstanding racial and income-based disparities in educational opportunity. 

David's work explores three foundational aspects of educational systems. The first examines how school systems are funded and whether resources are allocated equitably. In a recent study, he found that state education funding cuts following the Great Recession disproportionately impacted school districts in working class neighborhoods. In another recent study, he and colleagues found that lower-income students and students of color in Washington state were less likely to benefit from major K-12 investments over the past decade. Other work in this area explores racial/ethnic and income-based funding gaps across schools in the same school district as well as funding disparities between charter and traditional public school districts. 

David's second area of research examines educator labor markets. His work has highlighted disparate impacts of teacher layoffs for underrepresented students of color and students classified as low income. In one study, he found that implementation of an equity-oriented layoff policy in the Los Angeles Unified School District substantially reduced inequality in the distribution of teacher layoffs. His more recent research on educator labor markets draws on statewide longitudinal data systems in Washington state and Texas. This work examines the inequitable distribution of highly qualified principals and teachers, differences in educator turnover across school settings, and factors associated improved educator retention. Other work examines the private sector career paths of former teachers, as well as staffing patterns within specialized high schools such as Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Academies and Early College High Schools. 

His third area of research draws on economic evaluation and cost-effectiveness analysis to assess the relative efficiency of alternate resource allocation strategies. David is currently engaged in an evaluation of Washington's Ninth Grade Success initiative. His prior research in this area compares the relative cost and effects of instructional coaching to traditional forms of teacher professional development. Related work compares the relative cost-effectiveness of teacher salary increases and class size reduction, alternate early childhood interventions, and online versus in-person forms of instructional coaching. These three areas of research are united by a focus on equal educational opportunity. 

David holds a Ph.D. in educational policy and a master’s degree in economics from the University of Southern California. He earned a master’s degree in economics education and bachelor’s degrees in economics and anthropology from the University of Kansas. He previously served as an assistant professor at the University of Texas at El Paso College of Education and as the Director of the Center for Education Research and Policy Studies at the University of Texas at El Paso.


Research presentation to the House Finance Committee

Knight, D. S. (2024, January). Generating revenues to fund Washington’s public education system: Insights from academic research to inform adequate and equitable school finance policy solutions. Washington House Finance Committee Legislative Work Session, Expert Testimony. (click "View Video" under 1/11/2024 1:30 PM).

Evaluation update presentation to the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee

Duncheon, J. C. & Knight, D. S. (2023, February). Testimony for the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee, Bill Hearing for Senate Bill 5408: Establishing the ninth grade success grant program.


Research presentation to the Association for Washington School Principals (AWSP)

Knight, D. S., & Almasi, P., (2024, May 15). Educator retention in context: Understanding Patterns in principal and teacher turnover in two states during the COVID-19 recovery period. Learning Lab Live Web Event: 2024 Spring Forum. Association for Washington School Principals.

Panel discussion hosted by the League of Education Voters (LEV)

Knight, D. S., with Adam Swinyard, Spokane Public Schools, Kurt Buttleman, Seattle Public Schools, Melissa Beard, Steilacoom Historical School District and Tumwater School District, Tanisha Brandon-Felder, Shoreline Public Schools, and Sarah Thornton, Assistant Superintendent at the Pasco School District. (2023, June 28). Washington education funding and school district budget challenges. Panel Organized by the League of Education Voters.

Panel discussion hosted by the Seattle Times

Knight, D. S., with JoLynn Berge, Northshore School District, and T. J. Kelly, Office of Superintendent for Public Instruction (2023, July 27). Washington public school finance and enrollment in the COVID era. Panel Organized by the Seattle Times.

Research presentation at the NEPC Fellows Meeting

Knight, D. S. (2023, October 7). Key policy issues in school finance in the COVID-19 and federal stimulus era. University of Colorado, Boulder: National Education Policy Center. NEPC Fellows Meeting. and view recording here: 

In the sections below, * indicates co-authorship with a graduate student or postdoctoral fellow


Knight, D. S. & Almasi, P.* (2024, September). With schools, money does indeed matter; so does how we spend it. Opinion-Editorial. Seattle, WA: Seattle Times.

DeMatthews, D. E. & Knight, D. S. (2024, August). Commentary: School vouchers are toxic. Texas voters should reject them. Opinion-Editorial. San Antonio, TX: San Antonio Express News.

Knight, D. S. & Duncheon, J. D., (2024, April). Real world impact: Lessons learned through studying an early warning dropout prevention program in Washington State high schools. Educational Forum, Kappa Delta PI Blog.

Knight, D. S. (2024, March). Improving the school finance system in Washington State: Why, when, and how? Direct. WSSDA Newsletter.

Knight, D. S. & Fujioka, K.* (2023, March). Post McCleary, WA school funding doesn’t add up. Opinion-Editorial. Seattle, WA: Seattle Times.

DeMatthews, D. E. & Knight, D. S. (2023, February). Taxpayer swindle: More states should not seek school vouchers. Opinion-Editorial. Washington, D.C.: The Hill.

DeMatthews, D. E., & Knight, D. S. (2022, December). Commentary: Will Legislature deliver better school funding? Opinion-Editorial. San Antonio, TX: San Antonio Express News.

DeMatthews, D. E., & Knight, D. S. (2022, October). School voucher program is not right for Texas education. Opinion-Editorial. Austin, TX: Austin Statesman.

Knight, D. S. & DeMatthews, D. E. (2022, September). US public education systems facing a crisis point. Opinion-Editorial. Washington, D.C.: The Hill.

Knight, D. S. (2022, August). Schools have put their money on security officers. Is that smart?. Opinion-Editorial. Washington, D.C.: Education Week.

Knight, D. S. & DeMatthews, D. E. (2022, August). Texas public schools are at a tipping point. Opinion-Editorial. Austin, TX: Austin Statesman. Reprinted in San Antonio Express News and Waco Tribune-Herald (under the title State continues to fail Texas schools).

DeMatthews, D. E., & Knight, D. S. (2022, July). Texas must invest more in student mental health. Opinion-Editorial. Austin, TX: Austin Statesman.

Knight, D. S., & Day, M.* (2022, January). 3 key changes for progressive K-12 funding. Opinion-Editorial. Seattle, WA: Seattle Times.

Knight, D. S. & DeMatthews, D. E. (2021, August). Give K-12 schools the opportunity to open effectively. Opinion-Editorial. Washington, D.C.: The Hill.

DeMatthews, D. E., & Knight, D. S. (2021, August). School districts should be the last places to lift mask mandates. Waco, TX: Waco Tribune. Reprinted in San Antonio Express News.

Knight, D. S., & DeMatthews, D. E. (2021, May). Three things state education agencies could be doing right now. Opinion-Editorial. Washington, D.C.: The Hill.

DeMatthews, D. E., & Knight, D. S. (2021, May). Texas must deliver commonsense school reform. Houston, TX: Houston Chronicle. Reprinted in Austin Statemen and San Antonio Express News.

Knight, D. S., & DeMatthews, D. E. (2020, December). Statewide standardized testing during a pandemic is unwise. Opinion-Editorial. Seattle, WA: Seattle Times.


Knight, D. S., Candelaria, C. A., Sun, M., Almasi, P.,* Xu, L.,* Liu, A.* (2024). Teacher retention and turnover during the COVID-19 era: How changes in attrition differed across teachers and schools in Washington State. Seattle WA: University of Washington. 

Knight, D. S., DeMatthews, D. E. (2024). The fiscal impacts of expanded voucher programs and charter-school growth on public schools: Recommendations for sustaining adequate and equitable school finance systems. Boulder, CO: National Education Policy Center.

Fujioka, K.,* Knight, D. S., Craig, A., Tuan, M., Aramaki, K., Jackson, W., & Greene, T. (2024). Convening superintendents to envision ample and equitable school funding for every Washington child. Seattle, WA: Center for the Study of Teaching and Learning, University of Washington.

Knight, D. S., Candelaria, C. A., Sun, M., Almasi, P.,* Xu, L.,* Liu, A.* (2024). Teacher retention and turnover during the COVID-19 era: How changes in attrition differed across teachers and schools in Washington state. Seattle, WA: Center for the Study of Teaching and Learning, University of Washington.

Knight, D. S., Candelaria, C. A., Sun, M., Almasi, P.,* Shin, J.,* DeMatthews, D. (2024). Principal retention and turnover during the COVID-19 Era: Do students have equitable access to stable school leadership? Seattle, WA: Center for the Study of Teaching and Learning, University of Washington. 

Knight, D. S. (2023). NEPC review: Qualified Education Expense Tax Credit: Economic Analysis (Georgia Department of Audits and Accounts, June 2023) Boulder, CO: National Education Policy Center.

Knight, D. S., Baker, B., Srikanth, A., Weber, M., & Fujioka, K.* (2023). Creating an adequate and equitable school finance system in Washington state: Recommendations for state policymakers. Seattle, WA: Center for the Study of Teaching and Learning, University of Washington.

Knight, D. S. (2022). NEPC review: #StudentsFirst: Empowering parents to help students regain lost learning. Boulder, CO: National Education Policy Center.

Knight, D. S., Almasi, P.,* (2022). Educational technology funding in Washington State: How school districts generate and distribute resources for digital learning, devices, and professional development. Submitted jointly to the Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction, Office of Technology and the Puget Sound Education Service District.

Knight, D. S. (2022). NEPC review: The basic education program: How the volunteer state’s education funding formula doesn’t make the grade. Boulder, CO: National Education Policy Center.

Knight, D. S., & Plecki, M. (2022). Establishing priorities for education finance under fiscal uncertainty: Recommendations for Washington State policymakers. Seattle, WA: University of Washington.

DeMatthews, D. E., Knight, D. S., & Woulfin, S. (2021). “Show me the data”: How schools can appropriately utilize standardized testing for improvement. TESPA News, 78(5), 1-5.

Knight, D. S., & Duncheon, J. C. (2021). Evaluation of the “9th Grade Success Pilot, 2019-2021” project. Submitted to the Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction, Office of System & School Improvement.

Karcher, H.,* & Knight, D. S. (2020). Scaling the Networks for School Improvement model through the federal school improvement policy framework: Case studies of five states. Report Submitted to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. 

Rigby, J., & Knight, D. S. (2020). Review of Outside money in school board elections: The nationalization of education politics. Teacher College Record.


Fujioka, K.,* & Knight, D. S. (Forthcoming). McCleary at twelve: Examining policy designs following court-mandated school finance reform in Washington State. West Education Law Reporter.

Knight, D. S., Almasi, P.,* Shin, J.,* & Duncheon, J. C. (Forthcoming). Teacher retention in early college high schools and STEM Academies: Understanding the positive impacts of college and career readiness school models. Education Economics

Brown, C. H., & Knight, D. S. (2024). Student-to-school counselor ratios: Understanding the history and ethics behind professional staffing recommendations and realities in the United States. Ethics & Behavior, 1-19. DOI: 10.1080/10508422.2024.2342520

Jackson, M.*, Osworth, D.*, Knight, D. S. & Saavedra Smith, C.* (2024). Catalyst for equity: Conceptualizing district COVID-19 response as a portal for increasing equitable access. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 1-18. DOI: 10.1080/15700763.2024.2347914

DeMatthews, D., Aylward, A., Knight, D. S., & Reyes, P. (2024). Why are so few Latinas serving as superintendents? A call to action following a decade of minimal progress. Journal of Latinos and Education, 1-9. DOI: 10.1080/15348431.2024.2314486

Sun, M., Candelaria, C. A., Knight, D. S., LeClair, Z.,* Kabourek, S. E., & Chang, K.* (2024). The effects and local implementation of school finance reforms on teacher salary, hiring, and turnover. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis. DOI: 01623737231213880.

DeMatthews, D., Aylward, A., Knight, D. S., & Reyes, P. (2024). Understanding the superintendent pipeline: A call for a national longitudinal dataset. Educational Researcher. DOI: 10.3102/0013189X241232621

Knight, D. S., Duncheon, J. C., Anderson, K., & Frizzell, M. (2023)  Do early warning systems help high school students stay on track for college? Mixed methods evaluation of the Ninth Grade Success Initiative. Educational Forum. DOI: 10.1080/00131725.2023.2191665 Ungated working paper.

Martínez, D. G., Osworth, D.,* Knight, D. S., & Vasquez Heilig, J. (2023). Southern hospitality: Democracy and school finance policy praxis in racialized America. Peabody Journal of Education. DOI: 10.1080/0161956X.2023.2261308

Brown, C., & Knight, D. S. (2023). Staffing schools to support the classroom: Examining the relationship between student-school counselor ratios and academic student outcomes in Texas. Professional School Counseling, 27(1). DOI: 2156759X231165497

DeMatthews, D. E., Reyes, P., Rodriguez, J. S.,* & Knight, D. S. (2023). Principal perceptions of the distance learning transition during the pandemic. Educational Policy, 37(3), 653-675. DOI: 10.1177/08959048211049421

Knight, D. S., Shin, J.* & McMorris, C.* (2022). Student mobility between charter and traditional public school sectors: Assessing student selection patterns among major charter management organizations in Texas. Education Sciences, 12(12), 1-17. DOI: 10.3390/educsci12120915.

McMorris, C.,* & Knight, D. S. (2022). How states prioritize educational needs: Assessing the distribution of the Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Fund. Journal of Education Finance, 48(1), 5-33.

Knight, D. S., Karcher, H.,* & Hoang, T.* (2022). School finance equity through accountability? Exploring the role of federal oversight of school districts under the Every Student Succeeds Act. Peabody Journal of Education. Advance Online Version. DOI: 10.1080/0161956X.2022.2109916

Yang, J. H.,* & Knight, D. S. (2022). Adopting a critical lens: A conceptual framework for analyzing local school resources. Journal of Education Human Resources. Advance Online Version. DOI: 10.3138/jehr-2021-0061.

Knight, D. S., Hassairi, N.,* Candelaria, C., Sun, M., & Plecki, M., (2022). Prioritizing school finance equity during an economic downturn: Recommendations for state policymakers. Education Finance and Policy,17(1), 188-199. DOI: 10.1162/edfp.a.00356.

DeMatthews, D. E., Childs, J., Knight, D. S., Cruz, P., & Clarida, K.* (2022). More than meets the eye: Rural principal turnover and job-embeddedness. Leadership and Policy in Schools. DOI: 10.1080/15700763.2022.2033273

Roza, M. & Knight, D. S. (2022). Behold the role of the district in education finance. Peabody Journal of Education.97(4), 391-394.

Knight, D. S., Hassairi, N.,* & Martínez, D. (2022). Segregation and school funding disparities in California: Contemporary trends 50 years after Serrano. BYU Education & Law Journal, 2022(1), 83-111.

Knight, D. S., Hassairi, N.,* Candelaria, C., Sun, M., & Plecki, M., (2022). Prioritizing school finance equity during an economic downturn: Recommendations for state policymakers. Education Finance and Policy,17(1), 188-199. DOI: 10.1162/edfp.a.00356.

DeMatthews, D. E., Knight, D. S., & Shin, J.* (2022). The principal-teacher churn: Understanding the relationship between leadership turnover and teacher attrition. Education Administrator Quarterly, 58(1), 73-109. DOI: 10.1177/0013161X211051974.

Knight, D. S. (2020). Accounting for teacher labor markets and student segregation in analyses of teacher quality gaps. Educational Researcher, 49(6), 454-458. DOI: 10.3102/0013189X20925805 Online Appendix


Knight, D. S., Almasi, P.,* & Berge, J. (Forthcoming). Washington school finance: Exploring the history and present-day challenges for fiscal equity. In E. Houke & P. Caldwell (Eds.). Funding public schools in the United States and Indian Country. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

Knight, D. S., & Mendoza, J.* (2019). Compounded inequities: Assessing school finance equity for low-income English language learners. In D. E. DeMatthews & E. Izquierdo (Eds.). Dual language education: Teaching and leading in two languages (144-174). New York, NY: Springer.

Izquierdo, E., DeMatthews, D. E., Knight, D. S., & Coviello, J.* (2019). Dual language for all: Central office leadership in the El Paso Independent School District. In D. E. DeMatthews & E. Izquierdo (Eds.). Dual language education: Teaching and leading in two languages (149-162). New York, NY: Springer.

Knight, D. S., Hock, M., & Knight, J. (2016). Designing instructional coaching. In C. M. Reigeluth, B. J. Beatty, & R. D. Myers (Eds.). Instructional-design theories and models: A learner-centered paradigm of education, volume IV (269-286). New York, NY: Routledge.