COE Food Purchasing

Requests for food purchases on non-food approved budgets must be accompanied by a pre-approved food form, whether they are procard, reimbursements, UW Club, or UW HFS purchases.  COE Food Form.

If you are having food at a meeting, the food must be integral to the event; i.e. obtaining meals away from the meeting location would be disruptive to event continuity.

All meetings with food must be accompanied by: an agenda; and a list of attendees or a sign in sheet with a copy of the invitation.

Does your agenda reflect the integral nature of the food to the event?  If the meeting ends at 12:30 and you have lunch as an agenda item from 12:00-12:30 then the food is not integral to the meeting.

In order to be reimbursed for food /or have food procured with a procard you must have an itemized receipt.  If you do not have the itemized receipt, you must have the Director of Finance and Administration approve a perjury statement .  COE Perjury Form.